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Articles Index Directory
Indexed Articles
- Aborting the Calculations
- Accurate Analysis of Solid Wheel Antennas at 2.4 GHz Using Cost-Effective Simulation
- A Closer Look at the HF Skeleton Slot Antenna
- Adding a Custom Lossy Line
- Adding a Dielectric Substrate
- Adding a Feed Line and Transformer
- Adding a PEC Ground Plane
- Adding a Real Ground Plane
- Adding Loads
- Adding Sources
- Adding Transmission Lines
- Adjusting the Color Bar in AN-3D Pattern
- Advantages of AN-SOF for Simulating 433 MHz Spring Helical Antennas for ISM & LoRa Applications
- An Efficient Approach to Simulating Radiating Towers for Broadcasting Applications
- An RLC Circuit
- AN-SOF 7.0 is Here!
- AN-SOF 7.20 is ready!
- AN-SOF 7.80 is ready!
- AN-SOF 8.70: Enhancing Your Antenna Design Journey
- AN-SOF 8: Elevating Antenna Simulation to the Next Level
- AN-SOF 9.50 Release: Streamlining Polarization, Geometry, and EMF Calculations
- AN-SOF 9: Taking Antenna Design Further with New Feeder and Tuner Calculators
- AN-SOF Antenna Simulation Best Practices: Checking and Correcting Model Errors
- AN-SOF Antenna Simulation Software - Version 8.90 Release Notes
- AN-SOF Data Export: A Guide to Streamlining Your Workflow
- AN-SOF Implements James R. Wait Theory for Ground Losses of LF/MF Radio Masts
- AN-SOF in Action: Modeling and Understanding the Performance of Fractal Antennas
- AN-SOF Mastery: Adding Elevated Radials Quickly
- AN-SOF Overview
- AN-SOF User Guide
- Antennas on a Ship
- Arc
- Archimedean Spiral
- Articles Index Directory
- A Transmission Line
- Automating 2-Element Quad Array Design: Scripting and Bulk Processing in AN-SOF
- Calculating the Current Distribution
- Calculating the Far Field
- Calculating the Near E-Field
- Calculating the Near H-Field
- Capacitively-Fed Patch
- Car Roof Antenna
- Circle
- Complete Workflow: Modeling, Feeding, and Tuning a 20m Band Dipole Antenna
- Cone
- Conformal Method of Moments
- Connecting Transmission Lines
- Connecting Wires
- Connecting Wires to the Ground
- Convergence of the Dipole Input Impedance
- Copying and Stacking Wires
- Cross-Section Equivalent Radius
- Curved vs. Straight Segments
- Custom Feed Line Options
- Custom Preferences
- Custom Transmission Lines
- Cylinder
- Defining the Environment
- Defining the Excitation
- Deleting a Grid/Surface
- Deleting a Group of Wires
- Deleting a Wire
- Design Guidelines for Skeleton Slot Antennas: A Simulation-Driven Approach
- Dipole Antenna
- Dipole Gain and Radiation Resistance
- Disc
- Disclaimer of Warranty
- Dish Antenna
- Displaying Smith Charts
- DIY Helix High Gain Directional Antenna: From Simulation to 3D Printing
- Download Examples
- Dual V Antenna
- Editing Loads
- Editing Sources
- Editing Transmission Lines
- Efficient NOAA Satellite Signal Reception with the Quadrifilar Helix Antenna
- Electric Field Integral Equation
- Element Spacing Simulation Script for Yagi-Uda Antennas
- Enabling/Disabling Coating
- Enabling/Disabling Loads
- Enabling/Disabling Resistivity
- Enhanced Methodology for Monopoles Above Radial Wire Ground Screens
- Enhancing Antenna Design Flexibility: Project Merging in AN-SOF
- Enhancing VHF Performance: The Dual Reflector Moxon Antenna for 145 MHz
- Evaluating EMF Compliance - Part 1: A Guide to Far-Field RF Exposure Assessments
- Evaluating EMF Compliance - Part 2: Using Near-Field Calculations to Determine Exclusion Zones
- Excitation by an Incident Field
- Excitation of the Structure
- Explore 5 Antenna Models with Less Than 50 Segments in AN-SOF Trial Version
- Explore the Cutting-Edge World of AN-SOF Antenna Simulation Software!
- Exploring an HF Log-Periodic Sawtooth Array: Insights from Geometry to Simulation
- Exploring the Spiral Loop Antenna: A Compact Solution for 80m DXing
- Exporting Currents on a Wire
- Exporting the Far Field
- Exporting the Near Field
- Exporting Wires
- Export Radiation Patterns to MSI Planet
- Export Radiation Patterns to Radio Mobile
- Extended Double Zepp (EDZ): A Phased Array Solution for Directional Antenna Applications
- 7-Element Yagi-Uda
- 5-Element Yagi-Uda
- 3-Element Yagi-Uda
- Licensing FAQ
- Line
- Linear Antenna Theory: Historical Approximations and Numerical Validation
- Linking Log-Periodic Antenna Elements Using Transmission Lines
- Listing Load Impedances
- Listing the Currents in a Segment
- Listing the Input Impedances, VSWR, and S11
- Logarithmic Spiral
- Log-Periodic Christmas Tree
- Log-Periodic Dipole Array
- MI2 Fractal Loop
- Microstrip Antenna Array
- Microstrip Dipole
- Modeling a Center-Fed Cylindrical Antenna with AN-SOF
- Modeling a Circular Loop Antenna in AN-SOF: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Modeling a Super J-Pole: A Look Inside a 5-Element Collinear Antenna
- Modeling Coaxial Cables
- Modeling Common-Mode Currents in Coaxial Cables: A Hybrid Approach
- Modifying a Grid/Surface
- Modifying a Group of Wires
- Modifying a Wire
- Monopole Above Earth Ground
- Monopole Antennas Over Imperfect Ground: Modeling and Analysis with AN-SOF
- Moving, Rotating, and Scaling Wires
- Parabolic Grid Antenna
- Paraboloid
- Patch
- Patch Antenna
- Plate
- Plotting 2D Far Field Patterns
- Plotting 3D Far Field Patterns
- Plotting Near Field Patterns
- Plotting the Current Distribution
- Plotting the Far Field Spectrum
- Plotting the Near Field Spectrum
- Power Budget
- Precision Simulations with AN-SOF for Magnetic Loop Antennas
- Project Details
- Scilab Script for Plotting Level Curves
- Selecting a Wire
- Setting the Radiation Pattern Center
- Shortcut Keys
- Simple Dual Band Vertical Dipole for the 2m and 70cm Bands
- Simplified Modeling for Microstrip Antennas on Ungrounded Dielectric Substrates: Accuracy Meets Simplicity
- Simulating a Multiband Omnidirectional Dipole Antenna Design
- Specifying the Frequencies
- Sphere
- Square Loop Antenna
- Tabular Input of Linear Wires
- Tapered Wires
- Technical FAQ
- The 17m Band 2-Element Delta Loop Beam: A Compact, High-Gain Antenna for DX Enthusiasts
- The 3D-View Interface
- The 5-in-1 J-Pole Antenna Solution for Multiband Communications
- The AN-SOF Calculation Engine
- The AN-SOF Interface
- The Conformal Method of Moments
- The Exact Kernel
- The Lazy-H Antenna: A 10-Meter Band Design Guide
- The List Currents Toolbar
- The Loop on Ground (LoG) Antenna: A Compact Solution for Directional Reception
- The Moxon-Yagi Dual-Band VHF/UHF Antenna for Superior Satellite Link Performance
- The Plots Tab
- The Results Tab
- The Run ALL Command
- The Settings Panel
- The Setup Tab
- The Source/Load/TL Toolbar
- Tools in the Workspace
- To Our Valued AN-SOF Customers and Users: Reflections, Milestones, and Future Plans
- Top-Loaded Short Monopole
- Transmission Line Feeding in Antenna Design: Exploring the Four-Square Array
- Troubleshooting
- Truncated Cone
- Tuner for Impedance Matching
- Types of Excitations and Loads
- Types of Grids and Surfaces
- Types of Results
- Types of Wires