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Cross-Section Equivalent Radius

The wire cross-section can be chosen from a combo-box in the Attributes page of the Draw dialog box for the chosen wire type, Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: Cross-section combo-box in the Attributes page of the Draw dialog box. A circular cross section of radius “a” is chosen.

There are six cross-section types available: Circular, Square, Flat, Elliptical, Rectangular, and Triangular. AN-SOF computes an equivalent radius for the non-circular cross-sections. The equivalent radius is the radius of a circular cross-section that produces the same average electromagnetic fields around the wire and on its surface.

The cross-sections and their equivalent radii are the following:


A positive and non-zero radius “a” must be set. The equivalent radius is “a”.


A positive and non-zero width “w” must be set. The equivalent radius is 0.59017 w.


A positive and non-zero width “w” must be set. The equivalent radius is w/4.


The semi-axes “a” and “b” must be positive and non-zero. The equivalent radius is (a + b)/2.


The widths “w” and “t” must be positive and non-zero. The equivalent radius is computed using a polynomial and logarithmic approximation to the solution of an integral equation.


A positive and non-zero width “w” must be set. The equivalent radius is 0.42 w.

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