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Export Radiation Patterns to Radio Mobile

AN-SOF allows us to export radiation patterns to a *.ant file which can then be imported into the Radio Mobile (RM) propagation software. The antenna pattern files recognized by RM are described here:

Versions 1 (azimuth) and 3 (azimuth and elevation) described in the link above have been implemented in AN-SOF.

Exporting an Azimuth Pattern

1. After computing the far-field of an antenna model, go to the AN-SOF main menu > Results > Plot Far-Field Pattern > Polar Plot 1 Slice or click on the Polar Plot 1 Slice button on the main toolbar.

2. Choose a horizontal slice (Fixed Theta) in the displayed window. The most used horizontal pattern is theta = 90 degrees, which corresponds to the xy-plane.

3. The radiation pattern will be shown in AN-Polar. In the AN-Polar window, go to File > Export.

4. The Export File window will be displayed where a folder can be chosen to save the exported file. Write a file name and select ANT Files (*.ant) in the “Save as type” field.

Exporting Azimuth and Elevation Patterns

1. The far-field of an antenna model must be computed previously using the Full 3D option in the Far-Field panel > of the Setup tabsheet. Don’t worry about the Theta and Phi steps (increments), since the radiation pattern will be exported as expected by RM, at 1-degree increments, by applying interpolation.

2. After computing the far-field, go to the AN-SOF main menu > Results > Plot Far-Field Pattern > Polar Plot 2 Slices or click on the Polar Plot 2 Slices button on the main toolbar.

3. Choose a horizontal slice (Fixed Theta) for Slice 1 and a vertical slice (Fixed Phi) for Slice 2 in the displayed window. The most used horizontal pattern is theta = 90 deg (xy-plane), while the vertical pattern depends on the main beam orientation:

  • For a main beam pointing towards the x-axis, choose Fixed Phi = 0 as Slice 2.
  • For a main beam pointing towards the y-axis, choose Fixed Phi = 90 deg as Slice 2.

4. The radiation patterns for the horizontal and vertical slices will be plotted in AN-Polar. In the AN-Polar window, go to File > Export.

5. The Export File window will be displayed where a folder can be chosen to save the exported file. Write a file name and select ANT Files (*.ant) in the “Save as type” field.

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