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Radar Cross Section

To access the Radar Cross Section dialog box (see Fig. 1), go to Results > Power Budget/RCS in the main menu. The following list of parameters versus frequency is displayed when an incident field is used for excitation:

  • The RCS [m2] column shows the Radar Cross Section in square meters.
  • The RCS [lambda2] column shows the Radar Cross Section in square wavelengths.
  • The RCS [dBsw] column shows the Radar Cross Section in decibels with reference to a square wavelength.
  • The Radiated Power column shows the total scattered power from the structure.
  • The Structure Loss column shows the total consumed power, representing ohmic losses in the structure.
  • The Av. Power Density column displays the average power density scattered from the structure. This value is computed by averaging the scattered power density over all directions in space.
  • The Peak Power Density column shows the maximum value of the scattered power density.
  • The Theta (max) and Phi (max) columns represent the zenith and azimuth angles, respectively, in the direction of maximum radiation.

Select an item from the list in the upper right corner of the window and then press the Plot button to plot the selected item versus frequency.

Fig. 1: The Radar Cross Section dialog box.
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