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Plotting Near Field Patterns

Go to Results > Plot Near E-Field Pattern > 3D Plot in the main menu to plot the near electric field as a 3D graph with a color scale. This command executes the AN-3D Pattern application, Fig. 1. Go to Results > Plot Near H-Field Pattern > 3D Plot in the main menu to plot the near magnetic field.

Fig. 1: Near-field 3D plot shown by AN-3D Pattern.

Near-field 3D plots will be shown according to the type of coordinate system that was chosen in the Near-Field panel of the Setup tabsheet: Cartesian, Cylindrical or Spherical. If near-fields were calculated for more than one frequency, a dialog box asking for a fixed frequency will be shown before plotting the near-field pattern.

The near electric field can also be plotted as a 2D rectangular plot by going to Results > Plot Near E-Field Pattern > 2D Plot in the main menu. The near magnetic field can be plotted by going to Results > Plot Near H-Field Pattern > 2D Plot. These commands execute the AN-XY Chart > application, where the total rms electric or magnetic field is plotted in a 2D chart, Fig. 2. A near-field has always three components, which can be plotted individually by going to the Plot menu in the AN-XY Chart.

Fig. 2: Near electric field plotted by AN-XY Chart as a function of the x-coordinate.

The near-field patterns for a given frequency can also be tabulated going to Results > List Near E-Field Pattern or Results > List Near H-Field Pattern in the AN-SOF main menu.

Regarding the Near-Field Components

  • If Cartesian coordinates have been set in the Near-Field panel of the Setup tabsheet, the Ex, Ey and Ez electric field components and the Hx, Hy and Hz magnetic field components will be calculated in a rectangular grid of points in space with coordinates (x,y,z).
  • If Cylindrical coordinates have been set in the Near-Field panel of the Setup tabsheet, the Er, Ephi and Ez electric field components and the Hr, Hphi and Hz magnetic field components will be calculated in a cylindrical grid of points in space with coordinates (r,phi,z).
  • If Spherical coordinates have been set in the Near-Field panel of the Setup tabsheet, the Er, Etheta and Ephi electric field components and the Hr, Htheta and Hphi magnetic field components will be calculated in a spherical grid of points in space with coordinates (r,theta,phi).
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