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Moving, Rotating, and Scaling Wires

After drawing the wire structure, we may need to modify the position or size of one wire or a group of them. To modify wires, we must first select them. Click on the Selection Box button on the toolbar and then expand a box using the mouse with the left button pressed. Enclose the wires you want to modify inside the box, Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: “Selection Box” button on the toolbar to select a group of wires and commands in the Edit menu to move, rotate, and scale the selected wires.

After selecting the wires, go to the Edit menu, and choose one of these commands:

Move Wires

Displays the “Move Wires” dialog box for moving the selected wire or group of wires to a different position, Fig. 2. A different shift along each coordinate X,Y,Z can be entered.

Fig. 2: Move Wires dialog box. Enter the desired offset at each coordinate.

Rotate Wires

Displays the “Rotate Wires” dialog box for rotating the selected wire or group of wires around the chosen axis, Fig. 3. In addition to the cartesian axes X,Y,Z, the “Custom” option allows to set a rotation axis in spherical coordinates (Theta,Phi). The Rotation Center can also be set in case we want to rotate around a different point from the origin.

Fig. 3: Rotate Wires dialog box. Enter the axis of rotation, the center around which the wires will be rotated, and the desired angle.

Scale Wires

Displays the “Scale Wires” dialog box for scaling the selected wire or group of wires according to the specified scale factor, Fig. 4.

There are two options: Single Factor and Advanced. The “Single Factor” option allows us to set a single scale factor which will be applied to all the point coordinates of the selected wires. The “Advanced” option allows us to set a different scale factor for each point coordinate of the selected wires. The “Advanced” option only applies to lines defined using the “2 Points” option, to arcs defined using the “3 Points” option, and to quadratics.

Fig. 4: Scale Wires dialog box. (Left) “Single Factor” option where a scale factor can be entered that can also be applied to wire cross-section and coating if needed. (Right) “Advanced” option where a different scale factor can be entered for each coordinate.
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