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Custom Preferences


Preferences in AN-SOF allow users to customize the unit system for input and output data, adjust the workspace appearance, and configure various miscellaneous options. To access preferences, navigate to Tools > Preferences from the main menu.


On the Units page of the Preferences dialog box (see Fig. 1), users can select suitable units for frequencies, lengths, wire cross-section, inductances, and capacitances. Apart from standard SI units, options such as inches (in) and feet (ft) are available for lengths and cross-sections.

Units tab in the Preferences dialog box where frequencies, lengths, wire cross-sections, inductances, and capacitances can be set.
Fig. 1: Units tab in the Preferences dialog box where frequencies, lengths, wire cross-sections, inductances, and capacitances can be set.


In the Workspace tab (Fig. 2), users can toggle the workspace background color between black and white. Additionally, there are three levels for the pen width used to draw objects on the workspace: Thin, Medium, and Thick. This option applies to axes, wires, and wire grids. Users can also customize the size and color of source symbols and loads. Enabling the Show Segments option displays the segments in the workspace.

Preferences dialog box showing the Workspace tab, where the workspace background color, pen width, and appearance of sources/loads can be set.
Fig. 2: Preferences dialog box showing the Workspace tab, where the workspace background color, pen width, and appearance of sources/loads can be set.


In the Options tab, users can check the Show Main Toolbar option to display the toolbar (Fig. 3). Two “Ask before…” questions can be set to avoid mistakes. If the option “Run ALL” also calculates the H-Field is checked, the near H-field will be calculated after clicking on the “Run ALL” button. Users can also choose to close the chart windows after exiting AN-SOF. Additionally, the option “The comma is set as the decimal symbol” should be selected if the comma is used as the decimal separator in the Windows® regional settings. Users can also set the number of significant digits shown in results, although this option does not modify the double precision used in the internal algorithms.

Options tab in the Preferences dialog box, where various additional settings can be configured.
Fig. 3: Options tab in the Preferences dialog box, where various additional settings can be configured.


All preferences can be configured at any time, either before or after performing a calculation.

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