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Category - Traveling Wave

Explore models and designs of travelling wave antennas, such as helices and Yagis.


Efficient NOAA Satellite Signal Reception with the Quadrifilar Helix Antenna
The Quadrifilar Helix (QFH) antenna, with its unique design and circular polarization, ensures efficient NOAA satellite signal reception. This article explores the history, key characteristics, and practical modeling of QFH antennas using AN-SOF, providing valuable insights for RF engineers and enthusiasts.
Inverted V Antenna
Inverted V antenna over real ground. The operating frequency is 7.2 MHz which corresponds to a wavelength of almost 40 meters.
Directional V Antenna
The horizontal arms of the V-antenna are 3 wavelengths long, so six semi-cycles of a sine function can be seen as a current distribution along the arms.
Helical Antenna with Grid Reflector
Frequency sweep simulation of a directional helix antenna backed by a ground plane of finite size. The ground plane is modeled using a circular grid of thin wires.
Helical Antenna with PEC Reflector
Directional helix antenna backed by a perfect ground plane. A directional radiation pattern is obtained pointing towards the helix axis.
7-Element Yagi-Uda
Simulation of a Yagi antenna that consists of seven linear wires. A directional radiation pattern is obtained as can be expected.
5-Element Yagi-Uda
Simulation of a Yagi antenna that consists of five linear wires. The driven element is a folded dipole which does not change the radiation pattern shape, but it changes the input impedance for an easier impedance matching.
3-Element Yagi-Uda
Simulation of a Yagi antenna that consists of three linear wires. A directional radiation pattern is obtained as can be expected.