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Category - Modeling Guidelines

Discover tips and best practices for antenna modeling and design using AN-SOF in these informative articles.


Modeling Common-Mode Currents in Coaxial Cables: A Hybrid Approach
This article presents a hybrid modeling approach for coaxial transmission line antenna feeders, focusing on the impact of common-mode currents on the antenna radiation pattern. By explicitly modeling the outer shield of coaxial cables, we can accurately predict and mitigate RF interference, enhancing antenna system performance for RF engineers and enthusiasts.
Evaluating EMF Compliance - Part 2: Using Near-Field Calculations to Determine Exclusion Zones
In this article, we dive deep into near-field calculations to establish RF exclusion zones. By understanding near-field and far-field regions, occupational vs. public exposure, health impacts, and practical methods, we ensure compliance with EMF guidelines and safeguard human health.
Beyond Analytical Formulas: Accurate Coil Inductance Calculation with AN-SOF
Traditional coil inductance calculations often rely on simplified approximations. AN-SOF offers a more accurate approach by considering factors like non-uniform magnetic fields, conductor losses, and complex coil geometries. By using AN-SOF, you can obtain precise inductance values, visualize magnetic field and current distributions, to improve your coil designs.
Complete Workflow: Modeling, Feeding, and Tuning a 20m Band Dipole Antenna
Here is a comprehensive guide to modeling, feeding, and tuning half-wave dipoles, offering principles and techniques that can be applied to any antenna system.
DIY Helix High Gain Directional Antenna: From Simulation to 3D Printing
We are happy to share an interesting project by one of our AN-SOF users: @PoweredMeshtasticEurope. He demonstrates how to build your own helix high gain directional antenna for the Meshtastic frequency range, from theory to reality.
Evaluating EMF Compliance - Part 1: A Guide to Far-Field RF Exposure Assessments
In today's wireless world, ensuring Electromagnetic Field (EMF) compliance is crucial for protecting individuals from potential harmful effects of RF exposure. Join us as we explore the influence of antenna configurations, ground planes, and feed lines on far-field EIRP values, ensuring you possess the tools to navigate the complexities of EMF compliance effectively.
Design Guidelines for Skeleton Slot Antennas: A Simulation-Driven Approach
Dive into the intricacies of Skeleton Slot antennas. Explore optimal designs, balancing geometry parameters, and leveraging simulation tools. Ideal for both engineers and enthusiasts!
Simplified Modeling for Microstrip Antennas on Ungrounded Dielectric Substrates: Accuracy Meets Simplicity
Discover a simple yet precise method for modeling microstrip antennas on ungrounded dielectric substrates.
Fast Modeling of a Monopole Supported by a Broadcast Tower
Elevate your antenna design game with our latest video tutorial on monopole modeling using AN-SOF.
Linking Log-Periodic Antenna Elements Using Transmission Lines
Dive into the world of advanced antenna design with our latest tutorial! Discover the art of connecting Log-Periodic Antenna Elements using Transmission Lines in the AN-SOF Antenna Simulator.
Wave Matching Coefficient: Defining the Practical Near-Far Field Boundary
Discover how the Wave Matching Coefficient (WMC) redefines near-far field boundaries. Using a 20 dB threshold, we uncover new distances for elementary antennas and a consistent method to define non-spherical boundaries for antennas of any size or complexity relative to the wavelength.
AN-SOF Mastery: Adding Elevated Radials Quickly
Rev up your AN-SOF skills with this video tutorial featuring two fast methods for adding elevated radials.
Enhancing Antenna Design Flexibility: Project Merging in AN-SOF
Discover how AN-SOF’s project merging feature enhances antenna design flexibility by seamlessly integrating supporting structures, enabling performance comparisons with and without a support.
An Efficient Approach to Simulating Radiating Towers for Broadcasting Applications
Learn an efficient method to simulate radiating towers for broadcasting applications. This article explores detailed modeling and a simplified approach for analyzing radio mast designs, calculating near-field patterns with minimal effort, and applying these techniques to real-world antenna systems.
RF Techniques: Implicit Modeling and Equivalent Circuits for Baluns
Explore how AN-SOF simplifies the process of modeling transformers and baluns with implicit techniques. Learn to transform antenna impedance using equivalent circuits. A must-read for engineers and RF enthusiasts!
AN-SOF Antenna Simulation Best Practices: Checking and Correcting Model Errors
Refine AN-SOF antenna simulations. Identify and resolve errors with precision, ensuring model integrity.
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