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Category - Running Calculations

Explore the various options available to run calculations in AN-SOF and optimize your simulations.


The Run ALL Command
Once the frequencies, the environment, the geometry of the structure, the excitation, and the points of observation of the radiated field have been set, AN-SOF is ready to execute the calculations. First, the current distribution on...
Calculating the Current Distribution
When the frequencies, the environment, the geometry, and the excitation are set, AN-SOF is ready to compute the currents...
Calculating the Far Field
Once the current distribution on the structure has been obtained, the far-field in the angular ranges set in the Far-Field panel of the Setup tabsheet can be computed...
Calculating the Near E-Field
Once the current distribution on the structure has been calculated, the near electric field can be computed at the points in space specified in the Near-Field panel of the Setup tab. To calculate the near electric field:
Calculating the Near H-Field
Once the current distribution on the structure has been obtained, the near magnetic field at those points in space set in the Near-Field panel of the Setup tabsheet can be computed...
Aborting the Calculations
When a calculation is executed using the commands under the Run menu, the Processing window will be displayed...
Numerical Green's Function
There are simulations where we need to change the excitation of the structure frequently. For example, when we must often change the amplitudes of discrete sources or the direction of arrival of an incident field...
Running a Bulk Simulation
AN-SOF can import a sequence of input files to obtain a corresponding sequence of output files, without user intervention in the middle of the process. The input files must be in NEC format...