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Category - Simulation Setup

These articles provide comprehensive guidance on the options and settings available for configuring simulations in AN-SOF.


The Setup Tab
The simulation parameters can be set in the Setup tabsheet. This page has the following panels: Frequency, Environment, Far-Field, Near-Field, Excitation, and Settings...
Specifying the Frequencies
The Frequency panel has three options: Single, List and Sweep. By choosing one of these options the simulation can either be performed for a single frequency, for frequencies taken from a list or for a frequency sweep...
Defining the Environment
Go to the Setup tab in the main window and select the Environment panel. The relative permittivity and permeability of the surrounding medium can be set in the Medium box, Fig. 1. Four options are available for the ground plane...
Far Field Parameters
The far field can be computed after having calculated the current distribution previously. Thus, the parameters set in the Far-Field panel have no effect in the determination of the currents and can be modified at any time. However, the far field must be...
Near Field Parameters
The near field can be computed after having calculated the current distribution previously. Thus, the parameters set in the Near-Field panel have no effect in the determination of the currents and can be set at any time. However, the near field must be recalculated every...
Defining the Excitation
Go to the Setup tab in the main window and select the Excitation panel. There are two types of excitations: Discrete Sources and Incident Field...
The Settings Panel
Go to the Setup tab in the main window and select the Settings panel, Fig. 1. The accuracy of the integrals involved in the calculations can be set in the Settings panel. The Quadrature Tolerance is the error in the evaluation of...
Project Details
Go to View > Project Details in the main menu to display the Project Details window, where a summary of the project information is shown...
File Formats
When a project is saved in AN-SOF, multiple files that have the same name as the project are saved. Each file has a unique extension that...
Shortcut Keys
Pressing ALT with the underlined letter of a menu item will execute the command associated with the item. The following keys and associated actions are available...