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Category - Sources and Loads

These articles provide guidance on adding and editing sources as well as load impedances in your AN-SOF model.


Types of Excitations and Loads
Discrete Sources, Incident Field, and Loads. A structure can be excited by discrete sources or an incident field. Refer to "Excitation by an Incident Field" for the second case. Discrete sources can be located on any wire segment...
The Source/Load/TL Toolbar
The Source/Load toolbar is used to place a source or load in a selected segment on a given wire. Sources and loads can also be edited with this toolbar...
Adding Sources
A source can be added to a selected wire segment by means of the following steps...
Editing Sources
A source can be edited by means of the following steps...
Adding Loads
A load can be added to a selected wire segment by means of the following steps...
Editing Loads
A load can be edited by means of the following steps...
Enabling/Disabling Loads
All the loads can be enabled or disabled at the same time. This option avoids deleting the load impedances when loads must not be considered in a simulation...