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Category - Validation

Dive into validation examples where AN-SOF results are compared against theory and measurements, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the software.

Explore the underlying theory and equations that power the AN-SOF calculation engine.
The AN-SOF Calculation Engine
The AN-SOF engine is written in the C++ programming language using double-precision arithmetic and has been developed to improve the accuracy in the modeling of wire antennas and metallic structures in general. The computer code is based on an Electric Field Integral Equation (EFIE) expressed in the frequency domain. The current distribution on wire structures is computed by […]
Electric Field Integral Equation
The current distribution on metallic surfaces with ideal conductivity can be found by solving an Electric Field Integral Equation (EFIE) expressed in the frequency domain: where: Ei: Incident Electric Field on the surface S. n: unit vector at point r on the surface S. k: wave number. J: unknown electric current density flowing on the […]
The Exact Kernel
The kernel is the core of the integral equation that is solved in AN-SOF by means of the Method of Moments to obtain the current distribution on metallic wires. Since the kernel cannot be calculated analytically in closed form, several approximations exist.
Conformal Method of Moments
The Method of Moments (MoM) is a technique used to convert the EFIE into a system of linear equations that then can be solved by standard methods. For simplicity, the integral (linear) operator in the Electric Field Integral Equation > (EFIE) will be denoted by L. Then, the EFIE takes the form: where ET is the […]
Excitation of the Structure
If a discrete voltage source is placed at the i-th segment, the corresponding element in the voltage matrix is simply equal to the voltage of the generator. Thus, When an incident plane wave is used as the excitation, each wire segment is excited by the incoming field, which has the form: where k is defined by […]
Curved vs. Straight Segments
Many examples show the advantages of using curved segments with respect to the stability and convergence properties of the solutions. Due to the improved convergence rate, accurate results can be obtained with reduced simulation time and memory space. Fig. 1 shows the dimensions of a center-fed helical antenna in free space (normal mode). Figs. 2 and 3 show […]
Discover validation examples featuring cylindrical antennas and arrays of dipoles.
Simple Dual Band Vertical Dipole for the 2m and 70cm Bands
Discover the perfect balance: a simple dual-band vertical dipole, AN-SOF modeling, and real-world results. Elevate your ham radio experience.
Linear Antenna Theory: Historical Approximations and Numerical Validation
Discover the vital role of historical theoretical results alongside advanced numerical calculations in accurately approximating current distribution on linear antennas.
Validation of a Panel RBS Antenna with Dipole Radiators against IEC 62232 Standard
This article validates AN-SOF’s results against the IEC FDIS 62232 standard by replicating an RBS panel antenna model with nine dipole radiators. The successful validation highlights AN-SOF’s ability to deliver highly accurate results, even with relatively simple models.
Validating V Antennas: Directivity Analysis with AN-SOF
This article validates AN-SOF's results against established formulas for V antennas, highlighting its advanced modeling capabilities. We explore optimal angles, directivity enhancements, and precise calculations, making AN-SOF a powerful tool for RF engineers, ham radio enthusiasts, and antenna designers.
Enhanced Methodology for Monopoles Above Radial Wire Ground Screens
With the utilization of enhanced techniques for impedance calculation of monopoles above radial wire ground screens, our study paves the way for improved performance in LF/MF antenna design.
Dipole Gain and Radiation Resistance
In absence of power losses, the power radiated by any antenna must be equal to its input power. In other words, the radiation resistance of a lossless antenna must match its input resistance. When comparing these two resistances we have another validation check of a numerical method. Fig. 1 shows the input resistance of a […]
Convergence of the Dipole Input Impedance
One of the validation checks consists of incrementing the number of segments as the antenna length, radius and source gap remain constant. In this way, the input impedance should converge to an asymptotic value as the number of segments increases. Fig. 1 shows the input impedance of a center-fed dipole antenna as a function of […]
Validating Dipole Antenna Simulations: A Comparative Study with King-Middleton
This article presents a comprehensive comparison between AN-SOF's dipole antenna simulations and the renowned King-Middleton second-order solution. Through rigorous analysis and numerical experiments, we validate the accuracy and reliability of AN-SOF in predicting dipole antenna input impedance.
Explore validation examples featuring curved antennas like loops and helices.
Gain and VSWR of Helix in Axial Mode
This article is based on the geometric parameters for the helix defined in this link >. A helical antenna operating in axial mode can be a highly directional radiator. Its radiation pattern consists of a main lobe and several secondary lobes, as Fig. 1 shows. The gain increases as the number of turns increases for […]
Gain of Helix in Normal Mode
Helical Geometry The current distribution in a helical antenna of arbitrary size cannot be described in terms of simple series or elementary functions, so most of the available data has been obtained experimentally. The helical antenna was invented by Prof. John Krauss who has investigated its performance as a function of geometry extensively. Refer to “Antennas” […]
Input Impedance and Directivity of Large Circular Loops
Assuming a uniform current distribution along a small circular loop > has allowed us to obtain closed-form expressions for the radiation resistance and directivity. When the loop circumference is comparable to the wavelength, the current distribution cannot longer be assumed uniform but a Fourier series is applied to approximate it. Also, a delta gap voltage […]
Radiation Resistance and Directivity of Small Loops
Among the advantages of the Conformal Method of Moments (CMoM) > implemented in AN-SOF is the ability to model exactly the contour of curved antennas. Besides, calculations at extremely low frequencies are possible or, equivalently, when the antenna size is a tiny fraction of a wavelength. Both advantages will be demonstrated in this article for […]