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Incident Field Parameters

The following incident field parameters can be set in the Excitation panel > of the Setup tabsheet after clicking on the Incident Field option:

  • E-Field Major Axis: Amplitude, in V/m (Volts rms per meter), of the linearly polarized incoming electric field. For elliptical polarization, it is the length of the major ellipse axis.
  • Axial Ratio: For an elliptically polarized plane wave, it is the ratio of the minor axis to the major axis of the ellipse. A positive (negative) axial ratio defines a right-handed (left-handed) ellipse. If the axial ratio is set to zero, a linearly polarized plane wave is defined.
  • Phase Reference: Phase, in degrees, of the incident plane wave at the origin of coordinates. It can be used to change the phase reference in the calculation. Its value only shifts all phases in the structure by the given amount.
  • Gamma: Polarization angle of the incident electric field in degrees. For a linearly polarized wave, Gamma is measured from the plane of incidence to the direction of the electric field vector, Fig. 1. For an elliptically polarized wave, Gamma is the angle between the plane of incidence and the major ellipse axis.
  • Theta: Zenith angle of the incident direction in degrees, Fig. 1.
  • Phi: Azimuth angle of the incident direction in degrees, Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: Parameters of an incident field.


When an incident plane wave is used as excitation, all discrete sources, if any, will not be considered in the simulation.

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