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The Run ALL Command

Once the frequencies, environment, geometry of the structure, excitation, and observation points for the radiated field have been set, AN-SOF is ready to perform the calculations. First, the current distribution on the wire segments is calculated, which provides the input impedance for a transmitting antenna. Subsequently, the near and far fields are computed from the segment currents.

Run ALL (F10) Command

The Run ALL (F10) command allows you to sequentially and automatically calculate the current distribution, near fields, and far fields. To use this command:

  1. Navigate to Main Menu > Run > Run ALL (see Fig. 1).
  2. Alternatively, click the Run ALL button on the toolbar.

Alternative Commands

  • If the near field is not required, you can calculate only the currents and far fields by clicking Run > Run Currents and Far-Field (F11). This command is also available on the toolbar.
  • If the far field is not required, you can calculate only the currents and near fields by clicking Run > Run Currents and Near-Field (F12). This command is also available on the toolbar.

Separate Calculations

The currents, far fields, and near fields can also be computed separately, as explained in the following articles:

Fig. 1: The Run ALL command in the main menu. There are also buttons on the toolbar to run the calculations.
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