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Wire Properties

Right-clicking on a wire displays a pop-up menu, where you can select the Wire Properties command.

Alternatively, you can access the Wire Properties command by:

  1. Clicking the Select Wire button (arrow icon) on the toolbar.
  2. Left-clicking on the wire to select it.
  3. Navigating to Edit > Wire Properties in the main menu.

The Wire Properties command is also available as a button on the toolbar.

Executing the Wire Properties command opens the Wire Properties window, which contains three tabs: GeometryAttributes, and Materials. This window is designed for viewing wire properties only. To edit a wire, refer to the section Modifying a Wire.

The Geometry Tab

This tab displays the geometrical properties of the selected wire (see Fig. 1), including:

  • Start Point: Cartesian coordinates of the wire’s start point.
  • End Point: Cartesian coordinates of the wire’s end point.
  • Wire Length: Length of the wire.
  • Segment Length: Length of a wire segment. For curved wires with non-uniform segments, this is the average segment length.
  • Shortest Wavelength (λ): Wavelength corresponding to the highest frequency specified in the Frequency panel.
  • Wire Length/λ: Wire length measured in wavelengths (based on the shortest wavelength).
  • Segment Length/λ: Length of a wire segment in wavelengths (based on the shortest wavelength).
  • Segments Per Wavelength: Number of segments the wire would have if its length were one wavelength. This is the inverse of the segment length measured in wavelengths: 1/(Segment Length/λ).
  • Hallen’s Parameter (Ω): A parameter that measures wire thickness, defined as Ω = 2 ln(L/a), where L is the wire length and a is the wire radius.
Fig. 1: Wire Properties window – Geometry tab, displaying the geometrical properties of the selected wire.

The Attributes Tab

This tab displays the electrical properties of the selected wire (see Fig. 2), including:

  • Number of Segments: Number of segments into which the wire is divided.
  • Number of Sources: Number of sources placed on the wire.
  • Number of Loads: Number of loads placed on the wire.
  • Cross-Section: Type and dimensions of the wire’s cross-section.
  • Equivalent Radius: Equivalent radius of the cross-section.
  • Equivalent Radius/λ: Equivalent radius as a fraction of the shortest wavelength.
  • Thin-Wire Ratio: Ratio of the wire diameter to the segment length. This must be less than 3 when the Exact Kernel option is unchecked in the Settings panel of the Setup tab. If the Exact Kernel option is checked, any value of the thin-wire ratio is allowed. For non-circular cross-sections, the wire diameter is twice the equivalent radius.
Fig. 2: Wire Properties window – Attributes tab, displaying the segmentation, number of sources and loads, and cross-section type of the selected wire.

The Materials Tab

This tab displays the material properties of the selected wire (see Fig. 3), including:

  • Wire Resistivity: Resistivity of the wire in [Ohm·m]. If the wire is coated, this refers to the resistivity of the internal conductor.
  • Wire Coating: Parameters of the wire’s coating shield.
  • Relative Permittivity: Permittivity (dielectric constant) of the coating material relative to the permittivity of vacuum.
  • Relative Permeability: Magnetic permeability of the coating material relative to the permeability of vacuum.
  • Thickness: Thickness of the coating shield.
Fig. 3: Wire Properties window – Materials tab, displaying the material parameters of the conductive wire and its coating shield or insulation.
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