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The “Arc” refers to a circular arc.

To access the “Arc” dialog box for drawing an arc, navigate to Draw > Arc in the main menu. This dialog box contains three pages: Arc, Attributes, and Materials (Fig. 1).

Arc Page

The Arc page allows you to set the geometrical parameters for the arc. Two options are available: 3 Points and Start – Center – End.

The 3 Points option enables you to define the arc by specifying three points: a Start Point, a Second Point, and an End Point. An arc starting from the Start Point, passing through the Second Point, and ending at the End Point will be drawn on the workspace (Figs. 1 and 2).

If Start – Center – End is selected, the arc will be drawn starting from the Start Point, with the center specified by Center and ending at a point determined by the End Point (Figs. 3 and 4). The End Point determines the arc’s aperture angle and the plane in which it lies. Note that the End Point may not coincide with the actual ending point of the arc.

After setting the geometrical parameters on the Arc page, you can select the Attributes page to specify the Number of Segments and Cross-Section. The Materials page allows you to set the wire Resistivity and Coating.

Fig. 1: “3 Points” option in the Arc page of the Draw dialog box for the Arc.
Fig. 2: An Arc drawn using the “3 Points” option with the parameters shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 3: “Start – Center – End” option in the Arc page of the Draw dialog box for the Arc.
Fig. 4: An Arc drawn using the “Start – Center – End” option with the parameters shown in Fig. 3.
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