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Adding a Real Ground Plane

A real (imperfect) ground plane, located on the xy-plane (Z = 0), can be added to the model using the following procedure:

  1. Navigate to the Setup tab > Environment panel.
  2. Select the Real option in the Ground Plane box (see Fig. 1).
  3. Specify the Real Ground Option:
  4. Set the ground Permittivity and Conductivity. If a Radial Wire Ground Screen is selected, also specify the radial lengthnumber of radials, and wire radius.
Fig. 1: Real option in the Ground Plane box of the Environment panel.

The ground plane is represented as a square with cross diagonals to indicate its position (see Fig. 2). Note that this is only a symbolic representation, as the ground plane itself is infinite in extent. When a Radial Wire Ground Screen is selected, the radial wires lying on the ground will be displayed instead of the ground plane symbol (see Fig. 3).

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