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Power Budget

To access the Power Budget dialog box (see Fig. 1), navigate to Results > Power Budget/RCS in the main menu. When discrete sources are used for excitation, the following list of parameters versus frequency is displayed:


  • Input Power: Total input power provided by the discrete sources in the structure.
  • Radiated Power: Total radiated power from the structure.
  • Structure Loss: Total consumed power, representing ohmic losses in the structure.
  • Efficiency: Radiated power-to-input power ratio, representing the radiation efficiency. For a lossless structure, this value is 100%.
  • Directivity: Peak directivity, displayed both as a dimensionless value and in decibels (dBi) relative to an isotropic source.
  • Gain: Peak gain, displayed both as a dimensionless value and in decibels (dBi) relative to an isotropic source.
  • Av. EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power): Time-averaged EIRP in Watts and dBW. This value accounts for the duty cycle of the selected transmit mode in the Tuner tab and the Time Transmitting percentage.
  • Peak EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power): Peak EIRP in Watts and dBW, calculated directly from the Peak Envelope Power (PEP) without considering the duty cycle or time transmitting percentage.
  • Av. Power Density: Average power density, calculated by averaging the power density over all directions in space.
  • Peak Power Density: Maximum value of the radiated power density.
  • Theta (max) and Phi (max): The zenith and azimuth angles, respectively, in the direction of maximum radiation, corresponding to the peak power density.
  • F/R H and F/B H: Front-to-rear and front-to-back ratios, respectively, in a horizontal slice of the radiation pattern given by Theta = Theta (max).
  • F/R V and F/B V: Front-to-rear and front-to-back ratios, respectively, in a vertical slice of the radiation pattern given by Phi = Phi (max).

Error and Average Gain Test (AGT)

  • Error: Represents the error in the power balance of the system. A necessary (but not sufficient) condition for a valid model is that the input power must equal the sum of the radiated and lost powers. The error is calculated as:

$\displaystyle \text{Error %} = 100 \times \frac{\text{Input Power} \,-\, \text{Lost Power} \,-\, \text{Radiated Power}}{\text{Input Power} \,-\, \text{Lost Power}}$

  • Average Gain Test (AGT): A validation metric that should be close to 1 for a valid model. It is calculated as:

$\displaystyle \text{AGT} = \frac{\text{Radiated Power} + \text{Lost Power}}{\text{Input Power}}$

Plotting and Exporting Data

  • Select an item from the list in the upper-right corner of the window and click the Plot button to plot the selected item versus frequency.
  • Click the Export button to export the list to a CSV file.
Fig. 1: The Power Budget dialog box.


  • A power budget error of about ±10% is permissible from the engineering point of view.
  • When a real ground plane is used, the Error column shows the percentage of power lost in the ground due to its finite conductivity.
  • When a substrate slab is used, this column shows the percentage of power transferred to the dielectric material in the substrate.
  • AGT = 1 means that the power balance is exact. An AGT between 0.99 and 1.01 is comparable to achieving an error of ±1%.
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