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Random Loop

This random loop antenna was designed by VE9SRB in an attempt to demonstrate that a MI2 Fractal Loop-like performance can be obtained with an arbitrarily shaped geometry that maintains the same total wire length and physical aperture area.

This loop is called “random” because it is one of an infinite number of possible shapes that have the same wire length and physical area as the MI2 Fractal Loop.

This model has a total wire length of 27.564 m and has a size of 2.8 x 2.66 meters. It resonates at 14.95 MHz, a lower frequency than the MI2 loop.

The input resistance at resonance is 25 Ohm and the antenna gain is 2.15 dBi. The 2:1/50 Ohm VSWR bandwidth is around 0.4%.

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