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Specifying the Frequencies

Go to the Setup tab in the main window and select the Frequency panel.

The Frequency panel has three options: Single, List and Sweep. By choosing one of these options the simulation can either be performed for a single frequency, for frequencies taken from a list or for a frequency sweep.

  • If Single is chosen, enter the frequency in the Single Frequency box, as shown in Fig. 1. The wavelength will be shown below the frequency.
  • If List is chosen, write the list of frequencies in the Frequency List box, Fig. 2. A list from a text file can be read by pressing the Open button. The frequency list can also be saved to a text file by pressing the Save button.
  • If Sweep is selected, it can either be linear or logarithmic. For a linear sweep the start, step and stop frequencies must be set, Fig. 3. For a logarithmic frequency sweep the start, stop and a multiplication factor must be set, Fig. 4.

The frequency unit can be changed going to Tools > Preferences in the main menu and choosing a suitable unit in the Units page of the Preferences dialog box. Refer to Preferences >.

Fig. 1: Frequency panel in the Setup tabsheet. A single frequency is set.
Fig. 2: Frequency panel in the Setup tabsheet. A list of frequencies is set.
Fig. 3: Frequency panel in the Setup tabsheet. A linear frequency sweep is set.
Fig. 4: Frequency panel in the Setup tabsheet. A logarithmic frequency sweep is set.
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